Lady Justice

Women + Law = Magic

Lady Justice book cover

Published September 2022 by Penguin Random House, Lady Justice became an instant New York Times Bestseller.

“Throughout the Trump years women who were asking themselves, “What can I do?” learned that, whether we notice it or not,

the law organizes every part of our lives.

Lashing ourselves to legal ideas, movements, and causes gave us power. It organized us. It focused us. It connected us to first principles and lofty ideas. And every step of the way, the wins felt tangible and material and enduring. Women have come so far in a few decades, and the law, even with its flaws and its anachronisms, has been a quiet, persistent source of order and meaning in a world that feels ever more out of our control. It’s been a source of power beyond just rage. We have a long way to go, the road will be bumpy, and the destination still feels less than clear.

women plus law equals magic; we prove that every day. And bearing witness to what it can and will achieve has been the great privilege of my lifetime.”

—Dahlia Lithwick, from Lady Justice

Praise for Lady Justice

Starred reviews for Dahlia Lithwick's Book Lady Justice: Women, the Law, and the Battle to Save America